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What are your delivery times in the UK?

We offer 48 hour tracked, 24 hour tracked, Next day & Saturday delivery all sent by Royal Mail.

How much will shipping cost?

Shipping is £4.95 using 48 hour tracked. If you need it faster there are options and are all listed on our Delivery & Returns page. Delivery

Can you provide worldwide shipping?

Yes we can. There are various options and this can be viewed in our Delivery & Returns page.

My Order

How can I cancel my order?

If we have not dispatched your order you can cancel your order. Once dispatched we are sorry but we will be unable to stop delivery. Please call, message or email; details can be found on our contact us page.

What if I receive the wrong or damaged product?

Once you have received your order please inspect to make sure you are happy. If you find a fault please contact us within 2 days of receipt so we can rectify.

Do you offer exchanges?

If you receive an order and you wish to change for a different size or a different style it is always best to place a new order and return the unwanted item. In all cases please do contact us so we can advise the best course of action.


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How do I return my product?

Please contact us for a returns authorisation code and once received we will send a link for an easy return which can be collected. This is for UK returns only and the cost is £4.95.

How do I care for my product?

These are delicately made garments so please be mindful of jewellery when worn.

How do I choose the correct size?

We are always on hand to give guidance when choosing the correct size. Our Size Guide is a basic guide and is not the exact measurements for each dress. We would always say get in contact first so we can help. The best thing to get ready are your bust, waist and hip measurements.

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Cargo Clothing